Poker Tips
The following tips are guides to maximize your earning both in real life and in online poker.
- When you have garbage in your hand, fold fast.
- Don't pretend that your some big time poker player unless you have the bankroll to back it up. The experts agree that you should start with at least 50 times the table limit.
- When the time arrives that you're holding the unbeatable hand, make sure you make the players pay dearly to see it.
- The first cards you receive will be the foundation of your hand. Build your strategy around these. You're not likely to better your opening hand.
- You'll soon discover who the strong players are at the table. Don't try to beat them, at risk of losing sight of the other aspects of your game.
- Your goal is to be holding a better hand than your opponents.
- If you can't beat the other hands, fold and live to play another day. The table will always be ready when you are.
- Have patience and don't let yourself go crazy betting.
- Don't play in a game that is too tough for you or too high for your bankroll.
- You must be able to throw your hand away when it is obviously beaten no matter how good a hand you started with.
- Keep good records.
- Play happy, not when you are tired, sad, pissed off, bored, etc. If you can't be fun to play with, don't play!
- A poker player should have a conscious or unconscious understanding of odds and expectation.
- A bad poker strategy is to play too many hands. You will win more by folding more often.
- Use the concept of pot odds to guide your bluffing.
- The survival of the fittest is the way of the poker table. To win money consistently, find games with players who play worse than you do.
- Play a game with which you are familiar. This will give you a chance to acclimate to online poker without feeling at sea.
- Understand the difference between playing at the casino and playing online. At the casino, you'll have to play more wisely against possibly more skilled competition.
- If you're having a bad time at the tables, feeling tired, or hungry, take a break.
- The best way to improve your game is to study and practice your skills in low-stakes games
- You can't expect to win every session you play. Realize that every session is part of your career session.
- You should never let yourself be intimidated. Play well, and have fun.
- In Hold'em, you can bet with an ace or two minor over cards on the flop, but you should fold if someone raises your bet. If someone bets before you on the flop you can call with two over cards, but fold them at the turn unless your hand improves then.
- In Hold'em, You can call with two major over cards (ie A-J) if someone raises your bet on the flop. You can also check-call a bet on the turn with that kind of hand, unless the board looks threatening.
- In Hold'em, a small pair with an over card kicker is a strong hand that you can call a raise with on the flop. Though, you should probably fold it on the next round if it was raised on the flop and you haven't improved the hand and someone bets before you.
- In Hold'em, if everyone checks on the flop you can bet on the turn even if you have nothing. Your opponents will often fold in such a situation, unless they are too many or too loose.
- In Hold'em, you can sometimes bluff-bet if the flop contains an ace. Your opponents will often fold in such a situation if they don't have any pairs or an open ended straight, because it's impossible for them to have any over cards when the flop contains an ace. Please note that this will only work if your opponents aren't too many or too loose.
- In Hold'em, if someone suddenly bets into you or raises, and you are considering folding, be sure to first look at the amount of chips that the player has in front of him. If he is out of chips it's likely that he is bluff raising/betting because he knows he will go all-in on that hand anyway.
- Poker is a game that most of the action goes on in your head. Control yourself and you will be a winner.
- Don't try to beat the other players; let them try to beat you.
- Be sure you know the rules of the game. The player who knows the rules has an advantage in any game against players who don't.
- Know the probabilities of Poker, but do not become a slave to them.
Observe your opponents; learn their poker mannerisms, while avoiding giving away your own.
- Play often, as experience is the best teacher.
- The average hand becomes less valuable the more players there are.
- Treat every round of betting as if it were the first. Forget the previous betting rounds and the money you have given to the pot.
- When you hold a winning hand, wait until the last round to raise.
- Fold a doubtful hand at the start rather than in the middle or at the end.
- Call your opponents when you believe your hand is good enough to win, not merely because you expect a bluff.
- As a general rule, don't try to steal a pot by trying to bluff a poor player, a heavy winner or a heavy loser.
- When you're in a losing streak, don't let yourself get panicky. The more reckless you feel, the wiser it is to get away from the table at once. A player plunging to recoup losses or an excited player is a poker player at his worst.
- You must expect to lose the pot unless you believe you have the best hand going in.
Most draw poker players would win instead of lose if they never tried to outdraw the opener.
- Bet your big hands to the hilt and make every active player pay to see your hand.
- Keep changing your playing strategy. The player whose game is always the same becomes an easy mark for smart poker players.
- Try to keep a poker face. Don't becom emotional while playing the game, or it may interfer with your thinking, and evaluation of hands.
- Try to sit with your back to the wall and try to avoid kibitzers who watch your hand. Onlookers have a tendency to tip off other players accidently.
- No one is your freind at the poker table. You must put aside freindship at the table, and bet your hand for what it is worth. Top Players do.
- When you play poker, play for all you are worth. That is not only the best way to win at poker; it's the only way you and the rest of the players can get any fun out of what ought to be fun.
- In the poker room you never sit down to play on your own. Rather, you make your way to the desk behind which the room manager, some supervisors, and some chip runners are milling.
- You benefit from reading the board of house rules present in most cardrooms. This can usually be found hanging on the wall. It tells you everything you'll need to know to sit down and play, as well as any particularities that you might not find in other cardrooms.
- Poker is a game of skill, but a lot of the skill involves being able to conceal your true feelings and, at the same time, to assess the true feelings of others who are trying to do the same.
- Where you sit has an impact on your game. Being forced to be an early bettor in a hand is much less advantageous than being able to bet later in the round.
- The flop is the nexus of the hand; limiting raises preflop goes far towards disguising your hand.
- In early position you have to play fairly tightly, even in loose games, since you don't know how many raises there will be, and you will be out of position for the whole hand.
- When opening in tight games in any position or loose games in late position, your attention should be on getting heads up with a blind or outright stealing the blinds.
- It is better to sacrifice your small early bets then to rope yourself into a betting war with a seasoned pro.
We can't emphasize enough the importance of keeping a poker face while betting, and not giving any clues about how good or bad your hand is. The whole point of the game is to make sure that they have NO clues, other than the bets you make.
- When it comes to betting, alcohol can be your enemy. While beer and cigars tend to go hand in hand with poker night, alcohol is not recommended if you're going to play in a casino, especially if the stakes are a little higher.
- One of the best pieces of advice we can give you about betting is to bet with your head, not over it. This is the slogan for Gamblers Anonymous, and it couldn't be truer.
- Very few people make their fortunes playing poker. A lot more lose theirs. We don't mean to get preachy here, but we don't want you to pawn your high school ring to pay the phone bill. We've seen it happen, and it isn’t pretty.
- Never bring your entire bankroll with you to one gambling session. You need to have a daily gambling budget. Start by dividing your bankroll by the number of days you'll be gambling. Then divide your daily bankroll into the number of sessions you will be playing each day. This is now your single-session bankroll. Don't bet tomorrow's money until tomorrow comes.
- Set a goal of winning between 50 to 100% of a single-session bankroll. Then set aside your original bankroll plus half your winnings. Now play with the remainder and continue to set aside additional winnings.
- Discipline is not only a significant part of being a successful gambler but probably the most important element of money management. You must set loss limits and win goals. Example: When losing half your session bankroll you walk, and when doubling your money, consider doing the same.