Seven Card Stud
Seven Card Stud is the most common form of poker. In Seven Card Stud, players will receive seven cards, three "down" cards and four "up" cards. Your "hand" is determined by using the best five of seven cards and the best hand wins the pot.
There are five betting rounds in Seven Card Stud. One bet and three raises are allowed on each betting round. To continue to play, players must call all action to them on each "Street" or betting round.
Here is the procedure for Seven Card Stud:
- Everyone "antes" (puts a predetermined amount in the pot before the cards are dealt).
- Each player is dealt three cards (two "down" cards and one "up" card). This "up" card is also known as the "door card" or "Third Street".
- The lowest "up" card must initiate the action with a "Bring-In" bet. (If two or more players have the same lowest card, the person who brings it in is determined by suit order progressing from clubs, diamonds, hearts, and spades). "Third Street" is the first round of betting.
- Another card is dealt face-up. This is "Fourth Street" (the second round of betting). From "Fourth Street" on, the highest hand showing begins the action by checking or betting.
- Another card is dealt face-up. This is called "Fifth Street". From now on, all limits are doubled.
- Another card is dealt face-up. This is "Sixth Street" (fourth betting round).
- The final card is dealt down. The last card is also known as the "River Card" or "Seventh Street" (final round of betting).
- Upon completion of the final round of betting, the best hand wins the pot.
Note: The antes, bring-ins, and betting limits are determined by the size of the game.